Saturday, September 26, 2020

This month I used Cooking At Home With Bridget & Julia

Classic Chicken and Rice with Carrots and Peas
This recipe was easy to follow, not expensive to make and taste was GOOD but very ordinary.  I wanted more spice.

Page 11
Muffin Tin Doughnuts
This recipe was easy to follow, not expensive and taste was GOOD however it did not taste like a doughnut to me, just an ordinary muffin with sugar and cinnamon on top.

Page 211
Eclair Cake
This recipe was easy to follow and a bit expensive to make.  The taste was hard to describe.  The chocolate topping was not to my liking and I love chocolate and the rest of it was okay but again I wanted more flavor.

I would recommend this cookbook to a new to cooking person, excellent to get them started.


Thursday, September 3, 2020

 August 31, 2020

This month I used Magnolia  Table

Page 177
Potato Salad
Easy to make, not expensive and taste was VERY GOOD
My hubby even liked it!

Page 217
Chicken Fried Steak
Easy to make, not expensive and taste was NOTHING SPECIAL
A simple common recipe that everybody probably has.

Chewy Granola Bars
Easy to make, not expensive for the amount of bars you get and taste was VERY GOOD but very sticky.