Saturday, May 18, 2019

May 16, 2019

This month I used Indian Instant Pot Cookbook

The dish on the left front is Saffron Pulao on page 164.    The recipe was easy to follow, not expensive and taste was GOOD.

The dish on the right front Chana Masala om page 198.  The recipe was easy to follow, not expensive and taste was GOOD.

The pourable recipe is Ginger TumericLassi on page 48.  The recipe was easy to follow, not expensive and taste was GOOD.

A nice cookbook.  I did find that for myself the Cilantro overpowered the food.  Some of our group of tasters liked the food and some did not.  

You will have to try the recipes to see if you like the food or not.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

We met on April 18, 2019

The top picture is what I cooked from Tastefully Small Savory Bites

 On page 88 I made Mac'n'Cheese Tomatoes-  easy to follow, not expensive and taste was WOW.
My only criticism would be that it is really hard to scoop out and fill the cherry tomatoes.  I would probably use plum tomatoes.

On page 126 I made Citrus crackers- easy to follow, not expensive and taste was VERY GOOD.

On page 72 I made Polka Dot Squares- easy to follow, not expensive and taste was NOTHING SPECIAL.  This could be very good if the frittata had some spice to it.  Everything was bland.

I would definitely  use this cookbook again.

Ruby used Martha Stewart Cakes

On page 100 she made Cinnamon Streusal Coffee Cake- easy to follow, not expensive and taste was VERY GOOD.

 Ruby had no suggestions to improve it.