Saturday, June 2, 2018

May 17, 2018

Last month's meeting is not posted because after I finished writing it, saving and hitting publish it disappeared into the great internet sky.  Sorry folks.

Ruby used World's Greatest Christmas Cookies She made:
1. Coconut Oatmeal Cookies on page 47- easy to follow recipe, not expensive and taste was GOOD.  She would add more sugar and butter
2. Carrot Cake Cookies on page 28- easy, not expensive and taste was NOTHING SPECIAL. She said frosting needs more confectioners sugar
3. Ginger Clouds on page 14- easy, not expensive and taste was WOW.
4. French Macaroon on page 37- easy, not expensive and taste was NOTHING SPECIAL.  She would use more egg whites, the macaroons were flat.
5. Lemon Creams on page 50- easy, not expensive and taste was VERY GOOD.

I used Handmade Gifts From The Kitchen.  I made:
1.Coffee Cream Liquer on page 134- easy, expensive and taste was GOOD.  Not worth making again
2.Strawberry Pastilles on page 92- easy, not expensive and taste was VERY GOOD however it did not come together as a candy consistency and after 30 minutes of stirring , I gave up.  This did make a very nice strawberry butter though.
3. Poppy seed & Sesame Seed Crackers on page 118- easy, not expensive and taste was VERY GOOD.