Saturday, April 7, 2018

At our March meeting Ruby used First Prize Pies
The recipe she used was Hawaiian Delight Pie on page 107.  She said the recipe was easy to follow but cost prohibitive.  The taste was VERY GOOD, however, she noticed that the ratio of filling was not enough to fill pie crust so had to be doubled.  This book is not for a first time baker.                .   

I used Half Baked Harvest Cookbook.  The dish at the very front is Braised Mediterranian Lentils with Roasted Spaghetti Squash.  The recipe was easy to follow but the cost was prohibitive.  Taste was NOTHING SPECIAL.  I would not make this again as I felt there were to many conflicting tastes.

The next recipe I did was (middle left) Pumpkin and Cauliflower Gratin with Fried Sage.  Again recipe was easy to follow but cost prohibitive and the taste was  NOTHING SPECIAL.  I would not use this recipe again as I could not taste the pumpkin and the cheese was very expensive.

The recipe in the middle back was called Perfect Potato Soup and again easy to follow but expensive to make and taste was NOTHING SPECIAL.  The soup did taste good but in the long run it is just potato soup, a very easy thing to make.  

The recipe middle right was Death by Chocolate Icebox Cake.  Easy to follow, expensive and taste was GOOD.  I would not make this again as it is extremely fattening and expensive using 48 ounces of heavy cream.  The melted chocolate did not blend with the whipped cream to make a mousse and the frozen Snickers bars were hard to bite on.

The last recipe was Salted Brioche Cinnamon Rolls at the left back was easy to follow, not expensive(first one in this book that was not expensive to make) and taste was NOTHING SPECIAL.  Not a great roll,  I have a much better recipe using mashed potatoes in the cinnamon roll.