We had a short meeting and our pictures I lost somewhere in the computer. Hope I didn't send them to a stranger, they will think I'm nuts.
I used Lost and Vintage Recipes:
1. Sour Cream Coffee Cake- very easy to follow, not expensive and taste was VERY GOOD.
2.Cream of Mushroom Soup- easy to follow, not expensive and taste was VERY GOOD.
I alos used Simply Too Good to be True:
1. Homestead Chicken Pie- easy to follow, not expensive and taste was GOOD.
2. Potato and Leek Soup- easy to follow, not expensive and taste was VERY GOOD.
Ruby used Butter Sugar Flour Eggs:
1. Apricot Rice Pudding- easy to follow, not expensive and taste was GOOD. Ruby felt the pudding was a bit to thick for her taste, I liked the thickness.
I just found the pictures: