Wednesday, October 7, 2015

September 17, 2015

We had a short meeting and our pictures I lost somewhere in the computer.  Hope I didn't send them to a stranger, they will think I'm nuts.

I used Lost and Vintage Recipes:

1. Sour Cream Coffee Cake- very easy to follow, not expensive and taste was VERY GOOD.

2.Cream of Mushroom Soup- easy to follow, not expensive and taste was VERY GOOD.

I alos used Simply Too Good to be True:

1. Homestead Chicken Pie- easy to follow, not expensive and taste was GOOD.

2. Potato and Leek Soup- easy to follow, not expensive and taste was VERY GOOD.

Ruby used Butter Sugar Flour Eggs:

1. Apricot Rice Pudding- easy to follow, not expensive and taste was GOOD.  Ruby felt the pudding was a bit to thick for her taste, I liked the thickness.

I just found the pictures:

They are Potato Leek Soup, Sour Cream Coffee Cake, Homestead Chicken Pie from left to right on top and Cream of Mushroom Soup  on bottom.

 This is the Apricot Rice Pudding.